Keyword : Download film terbaru Metal Tornado (2011) gratis, gratis film Metal Tornado (2011), free download movie Metal Tornado (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie Metal Tornado (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Samuel Planck adalah kepala PROYEK HELIOS - fasilitas berteknologi tinggi bertugas menyimpan dan mengubah sinar matahari menjadi kehabisan pasokan energi terbarukan. Setelah bertahun-tahun penelitian dan jutaan dolar, sekarang saatnya untuk menguji sistem keluar. Para ilmuwan bersorak keras sebagai awalnya hal-hal berjalan sesuai rencana. Tapi ketika fasilitas tidak mampu mengontrol jumlah besar energi yang masuk, sorak-sorai beralih ke jeritan. Partikel bermuatan mulai berputar-putar di sekeliling mereka, menciptakan pusaran magnet besar yang cepat menjadi tornado magnetik pertama di bumi!
English Review
Samuel Planck is head of the HELIOS PROJECT – a high tech facility tasked with storing and converting solar rays into an endless supply of renewable energy. After years of research and millions of dollars, it is now time to test the system out. The scientists cheer loudly as initially things go according to plan. But when the facility is unable to control the massive amount of energy coming in, the cheers turn to screams. The charged particles begin swirling around themselves, creating a massive magnetic vortex that quickly becomes the first magnetic tornado on earth!
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Sci-Fi
Cast: Greg Evigan, Sophie Gendron and John Maclaren
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: Demitos@Ganool
Source: DVDRip.XviD-playXD
Release Info: NFO
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)
"free download movie Metal Tornado (2011)"
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